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I’ve been found missing . . .

Eilish Bouchier Summer Solstice 2014

Last week I went to 3ho’s summer solstice in New Mexico. It’s the home of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan so it was only a matter of time before I got there.

Like many things in my life the idea comes. I sit on it for a while, then if it persists I check the logistics. My intuition was telling me I needed to go to connect with the community.

I needed to go to tell the community about the app I‘ve created for them to do, track and keep their daily practice

I needed to go to have the experience, to sit in white tantric for 3 days and on it goes.

And so once more I tested the skills and the nerves of my ‘charming’ travel agent and managed to get up the mountain in time for the 3 days of white tantric.

More on the experience later but first I feel the need to apologise for my unexplained absence. On May 15th I committed to post every day for a year, and I was doing so well.

I was even feeling a little proud of myself that I hadn’t missed a beat.

They do say pride comes before a fall. Well there I was with my posts written and ready, but not a mobile/cell (as they say here) reception bar in sight.

I can be a determined little thing so I wandered up hills, swung my arms about in the hope catching a wandering airwave but it was not to be.

After Day 2 I gave up and settled in. Mercury was in retrograde. Ram Das Puri was in tantric bliss. The outside world was doing its thing. I accepted I was there to do other things.

I still wrote but just to myself 🙂

If you’ve been reading daily please forgive my absence. If you haven’t you won’t even have noticed 🙂

Of course everything come with a few insights

  1. Have a few posts ready and scheduled so they can go out even if I am off the grid

  2. The commitments we make to ourselves are the most important ones to keep. The ones we make to others seem easy after that.

  3. Planning is useless without execution

  4. Admit when you’ve screwed up

  5. Tell people before rather than after, you know that old manage expectations mantra and then you might even be the apology

I’m now in NYC possibly my favourite city in the world, certainly my most inspiring.

Nothing’s off the grid here but it’s still a challenge to find a good coffee Of course 🙂 I’ve found a few places I think a NYC coffee map might be in the making 🙂

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