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New Moon in Pisces

Eilish Bouchier

The zodiac cycle ends with Pisces before we enter fiery Aries next month. Hence this is a time to reflect, gather and just be.

Pisces is watery and dreamy. It is a deeply feminine energy, asking us to meet our spiritual self,  divine the depths of our soul, to prepare for renewal and expression.

It governs the dark depths of the ocean from which our beautiful Earth emerged. It holds our darkest secrets, the deep collective unconscious. It is ruled by Neptune who likes a little ambiguity. As Pat Liles from The Power Path says

‘This loosens our strong tendencies to lead with our analytical, over amped linear minds 

and give over to the great mysteries of life – love, synchronicity, miracles, déjà vu, art, intuition, healing…”

This new moon invites us to dive to the depths of our own ocean and see what is there, where we are clear and where we are a little ambiguous ourselves. It will of course be enlightening and there will also be murky areas we’d rather not explore for fear of entanglement or just fear of what we might find there.

The New Moon is always a good time to plant seeds. What do you really want to commit to this year? Remember you can’t do everything at once, (I say this more to myself than anyone else,) so don’t set yourself up for failure. An old boyfriend used to say ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day” but then added ‘then again, we weren’t on that job.’

So what will bring you closer to your heart’s desire, where will you find your flow, your expression, that is also your gift to others. It’s different for everyone so you have to follow your own guidance and have faith in its unfolding. Pisces’ dreamy idealism will help you welcome this part of you to realise your expression through your spirit.

When you set your intention this new moon. Allow them to be open to the flow and mystery, to the beauty of you just being fully you, to your becoming and being all that you are. Trust you have everything you need in every moment.

‘Remember, Aphrodite was born out of the waters

and so when you plant seeds this month, plant the seeds of love and compassion and wisdom.  

We will need them this year.’

Here’s the ritual. Enjoy it and let me know what comes up for you. I know I’ve had a very twisty few days, feeling deeply unsettled. Afterall, we’re all in this together and this New Moon reminds us of that more than others.

Also I am also taking my moon talk for a walk in the woods.  Come join if you can make it to Tamarama (Sydney) tomorrow evening. The details are here. Bring a mat as we’ll do some meditation to get you talking to your soul before the ritual. It’s 6.30 – 8.00 so still time to take yourself out to dinner or even the Mardi Gras if you are in Sydney. Sol from Body, Mind & Sol is hosting at her beautiful new studio set in the gully overlooking the ocean in Tama. Hope to see you there.


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