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It's not a logo, you need.
You need ...

Brand Identity Embodied

Interested in a logo and a brand look and feel; your brand platform for your business? This is one of my realms of mastery. It’s your brand story first emboldened and then embodied, then told so it looks, sounds and feels like you, amplifies your gifts and value, resonates with your ideal client and, as importantly, is elevating and inspiring for both of you too.


My aim is that you not only feel as proud as a peacock• but have the embodied confidence that you take the consistent actions to share your brand's value too. 


You need this whether you are a multi-dimensional organisation or a solopreneur, needing an injection of soul infused love to take your brand to the next level, a new brand identity, or launching a new 'thing'.


My co-creative InsideOut Practice® is our guide, divining where your gems and genius lie to magnetise whom you best serve by infusing your essence and your energy into your brand messages; getting consistent with your brand images and design - less repeat decisions and time wasting and more time transforming clients and earning.


Your work is penetrating hearts and changing minds with what you want to be known for!


A unique part of the InsideOut Practicer is a daily self-mastery somatic practice (videos and pdfs) to clear blocks and self-limiting beliefs, expand your magnetic field and build your energetic alignment and endurance. Clients often report this is their most surprising and enlightening experience. Read testimonials from clients here


*A piece of trivia peacocks suffer for their beauty. They eat poisonous thorns that gives them those magnificent colours. For you, suffering is optional :-)


the LOGO & BRANDING package.

As you might expect there’s a process and a package.


The process liberates me to focus all my energy to co-create with you. The package constrains, so you know what to expect. This is a done-for-you service. I also offer a self-learning program with mentoring support. Either way, 


We always work through the InsideOut Practice® to create your Brand Positioning
and Platform

pre 01 We start by sending you a branding questionnaire to get all the details about your business status quo. You'll share a Pinterest Board with logo styles and aesthetics that take your fancy. We'll then get together for a chat to answer any questions you have and make sure we are an energetic match. If you’re overseas or interstate, we’ll do this via Zoom or Facetime.


pre 02 Once we agree we speak the same language, all the paperwork is complete – you’ve paid the 50% deposit, filled in my questionnaire, we’ll get you booked in and we're ready to tune in and channel.

pre 03 We will kick things off by getting you set up in your very own online client space. This keeps the entire project streamlined, time-lined and organised. Once logged in you’ll will find videos, worksheets, and practices to guide you to your medicine, magic and message.


Then we move into the InsideOut Practice


We'll start with visioning to map out your direction.


We'll end with a clear brand position & packaged brand platform.


Your brand platform will include your brand look and feel—logo, imagery direction, typography, colour palettes. Your brand message—headlines and offerings & content—with content-sharing examples & business and brand conversation slides


We’re building a visioning and business framework here to make every decision simpler and you’ll come to see (and repeat back to me) that chaos confounds and systems liberate your creativity, clarity, financial flow and create clients who create more clients :-)


There are six modules in the InsideOut Practice. I'll expect you have questions, so


Blend YOU + What you do + Soul Alignment
= Elevating + Scalable Success

01 | Essence + Envisioning


Expanding into your energetic mastery means stripping away what's not serving, releasing resistance and owning what is. You'll learn to rewire your subconscious to access and choose your natural success codes.


We'll be weaving the energies of the divine feminine and masculine throughout the program. This step explores your natural rhythms, your fears and dreams, your essential and learned natures, beliefs, conditioning, shadow and self-sabotaging stories. Phew! It's liberating and super empowering.


To get you inspired and in action, we’ll create a Soul Board of your most audacious dreams and desires.


At the end of the project each of these elements will be compiled in a vision branding guide, which is your reference guide for all business and brand decisions big and small.

02 | Recalling + Reclaiming


Now we’ve set the trajectory for your vision—to infinity and beyond! You'll recall and reclaim all aspects of yourself to align you with YOU. You'll divine your passions and purpose, pleasure and playful self—the gaps between how you show up today and what you envision for your future self.


Spoiler alert there’ll be another mood board here but this one you might just want keep all to yourself (or share selectively).

03 | Magic + Mastery

Most branding agencies spend most time here and on your ideal client. I believe that is leading with your resume (past) rather than your legacy (future). Your business and YOU are more than your resume, your work experience and your KPIs. Every business is started by a person to meet a need or solve a problem they believe others can’t see or aren’t fulfilling in the way they can. You bring your magical way of doing and being in the world along with your resumes, point of view
and resources.


We’ll be divining and drawing on your past, present and future; blending it to create your unique alchemical mix whether you’re a consultant, coach, designer, photographer, entrepreneur or maker.


We’ll emerge with your manifesto and mission, with clarity, process and practice. After this step you'll breathe deeper, sleep easier and smile a whole lot more.

04 | Experience + Empowerment



Many agencies want you to create a client avatar. Instead, let’s ask who are you ideally suited to serve, and what experience can only you deliver for clients you like, who love you, doing work in a way that lights you up so they feel you want for them what they want for themselves—and it’ll expand you both to deliver it. They'll resonate with your story, and be magnetised by your energy. When they find you, they feel a heart, gut and mind YES and choose YOU. 


We'll dream them up as we create their journey visually so you can write/speak to them directly and draw them in energetically.


05 | Stories + Success


When you know who you are, you stop competing and start co-creating. The difference is clear in the stories you tell. This is true whether you're a solopreneur, maker of things or leader of a large team or organisation. Everything is relationship. Every relationship is an energy exchange. In this step we get visual and verbal. You'll create your brand mood board to create the direction and once we’ve fully agreed on colours, vibe, imagery, typographic direction I’ll get busy in the design studio.


At this point your brand look-and-feel and the bones of your business come together. You’ll have your unique story, pillars, practice and your process. You’ll feel so put together you’ll be almost ready to put on a show. You’ll also feel thrilled that you’ve dug deep and done the work to get here.


Once I present you with the logo concepts (1-2), you’ll have 3 chances for refinement and revision. It’s rare clients use all these refinement stage but it’s nice to know they are there if you need them.


As a purist I always show you logos in black and white and colour and show how they will be applied in your ‘real work’ real world.


When everything is refined and you’ve given it your seal of approval, you’ll be all set to start implementing and applying. We’ll give you access to all your digital files via Google docs or dropbox and keep them on ours for 6 months, just in case you need a back up.

06 | Creation + Conversation


In this step we’ll create your soul aligned sharing strategy and communications plan—where and when you’ll show up and what you’ll share so your clients get to know who you are, what you know and want to be known for.


We’ll also create your conversation slides so you get that sales chat down for when you make the ask, so it’s a "YES please when can we start?"

07 | Decisions + Direction


Before we send you out in the big wide world we'll go through your Vision Guide together, a document that outlines all the details of your brand system and how to implement with consistency across all of your storytelling aka marketing touch points.


Our Vision Guides include instructions on how to best use your logo, your family of fonts (for print and digital), colour palettes, suggested logo usage, imagery direction and any other graphic rules I suggest to maintain your brand's clarity and consistency. This is your brand bible, a resource for any brand decision and will really help to effortlessly and elegantly implement your new logo and branding assets across all aspects of your business.


Brand Vision Guides are generally 20+ pages but it can vary 'heaps' depending on the size, complexity and scope of design work you need. Don’t worry we will make sure you have everything you need and are clear of 'training wheels' before we send you off on your own and we’ll support you once there too with some resources we’ve created to help you use your brand assets wisely and optimally.

Once we’ve checked you’re all set to go, we’ll get together to wrap things up. You'll receive resources and recommendations to focus your top three strategies to grow your brand and deliver impact to get the results that matter to you. instagram/facebook/5 types of communication/4 realms of communication and and and . . . 


Are you ready to be there already?

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