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Beyond Yourself



Beyond Branding Academy is business done differently.

One client described the program as better than an MBA.


Your business is its own energetic entity attracting and growing in alignment
with your electromagnetic field.

Your energetic vibration holds the blueprint for its success and scalability.

Bridging the etheric and material worlds: moving cyclically between dynamic creation and focused action: you will build your unique framework for decision making, structure and systems to get the results that matter to you.

This is a 6-month group mentorship programme designed to master your energy, so you lead yourself to lead your business and life. Inspiration to creation. Action to realisation. Direct your focus to create soul-aligned offerings, a business you love to live in and a brand you are proud to grow into.
Finally experience the impact, fulfillment, and income you deserve.
We begin 1 November 2024

Wake Up and Smell the Perspective

Nearly 40 days into this romp and I found myself wondering

'Has it really always been as simple as THIS?'

Mind you, I said simple—not easy! After a few years [sigh] of faffing over Eilish’s offer, I finally embraced it and haven’t looked back. 

Even the temptation to dwell on why the hell I waited so long, is no competition for watching my home-grown obstacles bite the dust. 

I’ve found a way to simultaneously and sustainably grow and harvest my energy for the greater good (and mine too :-).  

–Jackie, Ruby Slippers. Copy, Content and Programme Manifestor, Generator, and Facilitator


There are cycles in everything; in business, life, learning, products and relationships. We are constantly moving from apprentice (learning), to craftsman (applying) to mastery (embodiment). Our services/products also have cycles from ideation to development, generation to delivery, newborns to maturity.


By now you've earned some stripes. You've likely hustled hard, scaled some mountains, harvested some wins and ceded some painful losses. And maybe you've burnt out once or even twice on the way. You've gently come to the realisation there is another way, a more sustainable and sustaining way. Are you ready to align with your soul and find your flow? 
You’re called to share your gifts with the world. You know your message needs to be clear to change hearts and minds. You feel ready to more fully own and express who you are. Ready to commit to your mission and to YOU. It's time to expand your impact to serve others, revolutionise how business is done, rewrite a better collective story and awaken your vibe tribe to raise the vibration of the planet,  And of course, your business meets your needs too - for prosperity, pleasure and the liberation of financial flow. All of your life gets better and betterer!
Creating the foundations to build your soul-led business and brand framework takes magical inspiration and practical grit. Experiencing your self-leadership and true self-trust as you develop your intuition, master your mind and expand your sphere of influence calls for energetic mastery of the subtle and material realms (it's what elevates this program and gets the results)
  • Experiencing the embodied confidence to truly value your gifts and share them with conviction.
  • Becoming who you are and magnetising your ideal clients.
  • Releasing your resistance to prosperity.
  • Replacing hustle with soul alignment (heart, head and gut).
  • Welcome to FLOW!

Experience - Elevate - Expand - Receive

It's all energy! Can you let it flow?



The Revolution of Evolution®



Your lead conversions increasing from 30% to 90% in two months. Imagine your average sale tripling at the same time.


You're now connecting with your ideal client so well they consistently create new clients for you through referrals and testimonials.


These are everyday stories in this programme.


You're creating your soul family and co-creating with them. Many graduates claim to see their investment return within 60 days and realise their goals of building 6+ and often multiple 6+ and 7+ figure businesses.


Learn this framework and operating system to build an intuitive online empire that is changing the world.


It’s time to replace hustling with a unified will to experience embodied divinity and magnetism.  


This programme is a sacred container for energy and pattern self-diagnosis. Your purposeful and profitable impact pathway  - expanding your energetic field, soul-aligned self and business mastery as you compound your brand's reputation as the leader in your field. 

Graduates: Feel good. Look great. Do great. They are Visionaires®


The secret to sustainable success is energetic mastery


For sure you need the systems and strategies you've been told are the way, but they're just part of your toolbox.

Now, before we get into the details why would you want to join me, why should you listen to me?


Well, Hello there Visionaire®!


I am Eilish Bouchier


After decades of creating brands for globals and locals I know deeply the ones that succeed and sustain are the ones who learn from their experiences and tell the best stories. 


I'm an Alchemist, Visionmaker, Brand Strategist, Kundalini Business + Branding Mentor, Design Mensch and CEO of Be Creative.


I have worked at the intersection of creativity and commerce, consciousness and communication with globals - Apple, Vodafone, HarperCollins, Scholastic and locals Ela Nedra, Ruby Slippers, Wealthwise Education, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Sussan Group and more . . .from top of town to newly born startups, big government and education, independent artisans and winemakers. 


Personally I have consistently had multiple 5 figure months ($30k+). I've helped hundreds of businesses envision and grow their businesses to 6, 7 figures and beyond.


For the past three years I’ve consistently helped businesses double their lead to sales, triple and quadruple their average sale and move from nail-biting cashflow chaos to way beyond profit paradise. Cocktails on them!


Think of me as your new best friend who takes you on the best adventures while expanding and getting stuff done. You know I've been there, and I am now showing you how to find your way, — your tried, tested and true way - that deeply works for you, soulfully and strategically to get the results that matter to you ... 

Success + Prosperity +Abundance.     

See it.  Feel it.  Love it. Live it.


This is the branding program you’ve been dreaming up.
You've manifested it. Spirit has answered your 'please'.


Welcome to

Beyond Branding Academy

Six modules of learning and experiences sequenced to set the stage for releasing and shifting, insights & ahas! earthquakes, releasing limiting beliefs and patterns, practicing and integrating new ones - landing you at mastery.
Clarity, confidence and congruence!


Essence + Envisioning

Expanding into your energetic mastery means carving new neural pathways, rewiring your subconscious to access your natural success codes.


We'll be weaving the energies of the divine feminine and masculine throughout the program. This step explores who you are and how you got here, taps into your energetics, psychology, astrology, and natural rhythms, to own your fears and dreams, beliefs and patterns and self-sabotaging stories.


Be inspired and excited by your Soul Board; the manifestation of your most audacious dreams and desires. Designed to be playful and expanding, it's your most imaginative possibilities. Ideal day, ideal people, ideal places, ideal work, with plenty of space for creativity, restoration and play.


Source + Soul

Now we’ve set the tone for your vision (to infinity and beyond :-) You'll recall and reclaim all aspects of yourself to align you with YOU. You'll divine your passions and purpose, your pleasure and playful self. You'll explore and discern what actually matters and release what's excess and holding you back. 


You'll assess and align your intentions with your actions and begin to mine the gaps between how you show up today and what you envision for your future self. Spoiler alert there’ll be another mood board here - your Personal Brand - this one you might just want keep all to yourself (or share selectively).


Magic + Mastery

Most programmes spend most time here and on your ideal client. I believe that is leading with your resume rather than your legacy. Your business and YOU are more than your resume, work experience and KPIs. Every business is started by humans to meet a need or solve a problem that they believe others can’t see or fulfil in the way only they can. Each brings their unique way of doing and being in the world along with their skills, their point of view and their experiences.


We’ll be divining and drawing on your past, present and future, blending it all into your unique alchemical mix. Whether you’re a consultant, coach, designer or maker, we’ll emerge with your manifesto and mission, with your clear process and practice that you can repeat again and again. It'll liberate you to deliver with confidence and creativity. It'll satisfy your client's need to know how you execute your brilliance. After this step you'll breathe deeper, sleep easier , skip and smile a whole lot more.


Energy + Empowerment

Many programmes want you to create a client avatar. Instead, let’s ask who are you ideally suited to serve. What is the experience only you can deliver for clients you like, who love you, doing work in a way that lights you up. They feel you want for them, what they want for themselves. It’ll expand you both as you divine and  deliver it. They'll resonate with your story, and be magnetised by your energy. When they find you, they feel a heart, head and gut YES and they enthusiastically choose YOU for themselves. They know you can help them get where they want faster. 


We'll dream them up as we visually create their journey so you can write/speak to them directly and draw them in electro-magnetically


Expansion + Expression

When you know who you are, you stop competing and you start co-creating. The difference is clear in the stories you tell. This is true whether you are a solopreneur, a maker of things or a leader of a large team or organisation. Everything is relationship. Every relationship is an energy exchange. You are now ready to get visual and verbal. You'll create your brand mood board to create the brand look and feel, colours, vibe, imagery, typography.


In this module you'll also craft, collaborate and try out your brand stories, positioning and offerings with your cohort on the coaching calls. At this point your brand look-and-feel and the bones of your business come together. You’ll have your unique story, pillars, practice and your process. You’ll feel so put together you’ll be almost ready to put on a show. You’ll also feel thrilled that you’ve dug deep and done the work to get here. If you need extra help putting together your brand visuals and website we have a team of experts on hand.


Stories + Success

In this module we’ll create your soul-aligned sharing strategy and communications plan—where and when you’ll show up and what you’ll share so your clients get to know who you are, your value and impact and want to be known for. You’ll also create your masterclass so you get that client resonance down for when you make your offers so it’s a YES please, when do we start? And of course you'll practice with your fellow programme adventurers.


It's now time to gather each of these elements to compile your unique Vision Brand Guide, which is your reference bible for all business and brand decisions big and small.


  • You want to start a business that inspires, supports and sustains you. 

  • You already have a successful business or role within an enterprise but you feel there’s surely got to be another way, a better way. 

  • You want to build a business and a brand that exists beyond you (even if it is a personal brand) so you can expand and scale it: then you can take time off to create, hang out with your friends and family, travel, study or rest.

  • You want to make money and make a difference.

  • You want more time for yourself and others.

  • You want to integrate your expertise, your gifts and your soul's mission to make impact and income.

  • You want more creativity and purposeful play, less anxiety and overwhelm.

  • You want to walk your talk, in leadership, communication and relationships.

  • You’re interested in energy technologies to embody your leadership and evolve and grow your business in sustainable and sustaining way.

  • You know where there's light, there's shadow and you're ready to embrace ad integrate yours to have the most fun while you do your great work.

  • You want embodied clarity and confidence. Eliminate confusion and doubts.

  • You know if you don't go in, you won't make anything sustainable and fulfilling on the outside.

  • You see business as a spiritual practice and a place to nurture and empower others in a unique culture.

  • You believe or are ready to explore business as purposeful, profitable play.

  • You ready to play an infinite game with a business you love to live in and a brand legacy you are proud to grow into.


The essential

1 February - 1 August 2025
1 February - 26 April focused divination + creation
1 May - 1 August focused implementation + 

Inside the program 

Weekly Live Classes with live Q&A - 12 weeks of support and accountability for your transformation and evolution


Online Discussion Group with your Beyond Business Academy soul mates who are at or beyond your level of business with theirs, so you can apply everything you learn to your unique business + brand. 


Online resource portal giving you access to downloadable videos, audio files, worksheets, readings, visualisations meditations, design templates and more that you can use now and add to your business library to use forever as you and your business evolves and scales.


VIP upgrade for 1:1 monthly calls with Eilish​



You will commit to

1 hour for lessons + 2 hours implementation each week with an additional 3-22 minutes short daily practice to energise your body, attune and develop your confidence in your intuitive mind.


The weekly live Q&A calls will give you the opportunity to get personalised coaching on the course materials. 


There is also the opportunity to meet weekly via phone/skype with an accountability partner to support your process.


6 bi-monthly 60 minute mentoring sessions for 3 months, and follow up sessions at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months after graduation with Q&A for implementation challenges


Expect surprises!

Application Process

  1. Complete your application form - Tell and show me you're ready to deep dive into the future of your business. Once you submit your application you will receive a program pack with details of how it all works.

  2. Application phone call with Eilish to align our future working relationship

  3. Approved applicants will be offered their spot with full payment. Payment plans also available.

As a Beyond Branding Academy graduate you will be equipped with

Magical and practical skills to step into and embody your role as your Business Visionaire®

Business + Brand Vision Guide for decision-making, brand building, launch actions and product development

Understanding the energetics of business and brand building to create your unique business model

Clear positioning and messaging your ideal clients resonate with and self-select you are for them

Embodied confidence and self-trust to show up and share your message

Know how to witness self sabotaging patterns and rewrite them

Own the power of your stories to tell your brand stories clearly and confidently in service of your clients

Deep cellular reprogramming and soul-aligned business strategy

Learn how to create clients who create clients

Cycles of Creation Guidebook pdf

6 guided kriyas and meditations designed to build your energetic endurance, elevate your frequency and expand your electromagnetic field to receive new levels of prosperity

A library of business resources and readings to add to your arsenal of tools

Understand and master your financial frequency to scale your business to your level of success

12 month access to course recordings and online resources. Lifetime if you download.

‘It was better than an MBA. The programme completely delivered but the the real surprise and total game changer was the personal leadership. I now I do a 2 hour practice each day and I have more time than I had before. I used to shake if I wasn’t at work by 6:30 am. Now I often don’t go in until 10 am.


I signed up for business but it's totally a life and work program. All my relationships are better, seriously better. My conversion went from 35% to 85% within 2 months and is now consistently 90%+ And our average sale has tripled. My sales targets are now a ‘Can we?’ game. It’s not if we’ll sell but how much each sale will be. Our 'ideal client' loves us and they keep referring us. And there’s more. . . Just do it.’


Chris, CEO, Fox Wardrobes

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