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Full Moon in Cancer is full on – Advance or Retreat. You choose

Eilish Bouchier

‘The Cancer Moon is reminding you to use your feelings to guide your life. What you think and feel matters. Feelings are your indicators in every moment. Feelings don’t lie. Feelings are never right or wrong. Feelings are the best part of you. Your power lies in what you do with your feelings.” from Kelly Rosano

Feelings are energy. Everything is energy. It’s constantly moving. The problem is we stem it, so it gets stuck in our cells. This full moon is bringing to your consciousness all the energies that move through you. There may be some strong ones, anger, fear, horror, despair.

Many unspoken feelings may find their way through howls and screams in the then few days. Frustration of words falling on deaf ears. The decibels will show themselves. This is the job of the full moon to bring light to the shadows. Everyone wants to be understood and as Shaw declared ‘The problem with communication is the illusion it has been achieved.’

This full moon is full on. It’s challenging us to move forward, not to revert to old ways of being. It’s undoubtedly testing to live in the sea of uncertainty when you’re not sure you can reach ‘the other side’ or even where it is but ships didn’t get sails for nothing.

When the wind is taken out of your sails. Try to allow the emotions to flow, try to go with them. At the same moment bring your light into your heart so you can hold them with love. And when they are spent, release that energy for good. Transform it by asking your angels (they are just hanging for your call) what you can now create instead. Remember what we don’t deal with comes back again and again until we have learned the lesson. Begone I say, choose a different energy, one that lights you up.

My intention for the new Moon was ‘I honour the structures that support me.” And of course I have been experiencing in the past few weeks where I do well and fall short I’m blessed with a loving supportive family and there are challenges when our ways are different. I honour their love and support

My daily practice is getting stronger I’ve been doing this prosperity kriya (day 21/120) All my fiscal issues are presenting themselves for healing and transformation. I’m not going to say its been all beer and skittles (even in this season of cheer) It’s been humbling, frightening and empowering

Awareness brings choice, What we face, we can change. Retreat (it’ll be back) or change. I know which one I’m choosing

The year is starting with a bang, bringing up sh*** but with potential for transformation. It’s conjunct Sirius which is strongly connected with higher consciousness, wisdom, love. It crosses worlds. Be open to receive insights, Aha and sweet divine moments

Also featuring Chiron – the wounded healer. Uranus – expansion. Pluto – self empowerment and more . . Expect discomfort.

Breathe slow and steady. Wise steps taken now promise to bear long term rewards. It’s bears repeating. It’s a perfect time to release emotionally, physically, mentally what you no longer need so you don’t have to drag any more than you really need to into this year that promises many wonders. (It’s an 8 year – that’s good, infinity, flow, alignment)

Choose alignment with your soul. The signs are everywhere that the old paradigms are fast crumbling

Here’s the ritual. Tell me how it goes here. I’m expecting juicy stories. I’ll tell if you will.

btw if you’re really feeling vulnerable. Wear some labradorite. It’s protective and holds you as you move through the different dimensions. Travel light with grace and ease See you on the other side.

Big kiss to you all x Eilish

‘Empowerment is what we gain when we take responsibility (Saturn) for creating the life we want./

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