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Full Moon in Libra and Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse

Eilish Bouchier


Welcome to the Libran full moon.

It’s a blood moon (created by the dispersed light from all the Earth’s sunrises and sunsets falling on the face of the moon at mid-eclipse – muy chulo), a pink moon (April’s moon called this a la Native Americans because of blooming pink moss (wild ground phlox)) and a Pasqua moon (Easter this weekend).

Eclipses tend to speed things up.  If you think this year of the horse has been moving at a pace; Well, it’s about to get even faster.

Where and what have you been focusing this year, You’ll likely see some results soon or have you been lounging about procrastinating, then it might be time to get in gear but first;

Full Moons ask us what we need to let go of. so we can get on with our lives a little lighter and less burdened.

As this full moon is in Libra, the sign of relationships. Relationships like nature are constantly seeking balance, but balance comes with letting go so others things can take their place or conversely when we gather, we must also let go.

Where are your relationships out of balance? home, family, love, friends, work, money, play. . .

How do you define yourself? Does this free you or does it limit you? Is your identity fluid or fixed?

Where and how does your resistance appear? Can you go with the flow or do you dig your heels in? Do you cling to what you know at the risk of losing yourself? Do you stand so firmly by your defined idea of who you are even if you lose everything and everyone else in the process?

The ideal is somewhere in the middle. We can compromise when we know who we are. We know what to keep and what to let go. We can see another and also allow ourselves to be seen.

Mercury is conjunct Uranus. Asking us to become conscious, What thoughts, habits, patterns serve us? Which ones are illusions? Which are your essence and which are your projections?

Try seeing yourself, your situations and your relationships from a fresh perspective.

It’s all about making your life yours, embracing more and more of you.

Free will is always there, You always get to choose.

Acknowledge that suffering exists only in resistance,  Grace and ease come with flow.

Do your choices serve your growth, your evolution? Do you habits, patterns, thoughts serve you?

We are moving deeper into the age of Aquarius, Away from the ‘I’/’me’ culture towards a ‘we’ culture, (not a you are wrong and I am right blame but towards communion) Collaboration trumps going alone, Sharing wins over having it all to yourself. What’s good for the gander, is good for the goose.

Embrace the winds of change. Give up perfection and embrace freedom.

And for tonight ask what you need to release so you can open up to the new energies that are nigh, that are here, and that will continue over the next 18 months.

Here’s the ritual. Enjoy, embrace your beautiful perfect imperfection. Tell me one thing you are releasing,

For me it’s the need to know. I’ve been learning this one for a while now, and although I feel I embrace the mystery well. I still try to extrapolate and project where it will take me. I try to wrestle and wrangle and reason it out. A to B via F, but I have learned again and again we can have no idea, or moreso I have no idea.

I surrender to not knowing the next step with shashenjewels though I feel clearly they are going in a new direction* I surrender to not knowing when and how my bills will be paid, I surrender to not knowing what’s next or where or with whom . . .

You see, I’m in Dunedin in New Zealand at the moment, another surprise for me this year. It’s beautiful here, on the coast, beautiful beaches, penguins, albatrosses, weather like Ireland. I’ve been visiting my lovely sister and her family, walking with her and her delightful friends in Ross Creek each morning. It’s a slice of life as I haven’t seen since I’ve left Ireland. And I’ve been introducing them and Dunedin to Kundalini Yoga. They are embracing it and loving the energy it creates. I’m teaching another class this evening. We’ll do the full moon meditation after yoga. We’ll send some love to you all.

Until then it’s your turn to share what you are releasing with this full moon. After all we’re all in this together and the conversation get richer when it grows, twists and turns. Please subscribe if you’d like to say hello at the New Moon and please share this post with your friends.

Have fun and play with the blood moon.

*I am selling all my one off pieces at fabulously discounted prices over the next couple of months. I’d love you to hold a gemstones and gems party for your friends. Email me if you are interested

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