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I’m creating a whole, and then some year. Are you?

Eilish Bouchier

I gave up New Years resolutions years ago. The list of start stops seemed so predictable and the resolutions so ordinary they bored me before I even started. Gym, diet, jogging, organisation, blah di blah, blah di blah. They’d certainly be well forgotten by now.

So I found a new way of making my yearly goals come true. It requires goal setting. It certainly calls for commitment but mostly its about alignment. But what’s really different is it delivers those goals in surprising ways while it also brings growth with more grace, achievement with flow and for me that always includes: Work, Rest and Play. A dull Eilish has never been something I’ve aspired to:-) Here’s how last year unfolded. It was an adventure in faith. This one is about securing foundations.

People ask me all the time How do I do what I do? How do I live the way I do? How can I be so peaceful? (I’m not sure that’s the right word:-) How can I seem to just go with the flow?

I’ll often smile back ‘Nerves of Steel’

To many people it might seem that I magically make stuff happen. The real magic is that it can appear that way. Beneath my cool exterior is an innate strategist (but more than that there’s a deep faith and daily practices – a magical mix) Even my numerology declares it as my natural gift. If you want to check out yours the link is below.

I have been creating my life like this for decades and started documenting the process about 4 years ago. Writing it down has literally changed everything. Its now trackable and God forbid, accountable. Even more so this year as my grown up self has insisted that fiscal tracking be added. (The numbers don’t lie).

It brings together the branding processes I’ve successfully used with clients with the meditations and inner work processes I’ve learned from more than a decade of study including Kundalini Yoga, Qala Sri Ama’s Self Mastery Schools

I’ve taught this process as a workshop called Visualisation in Action over the past few years. It works. Here’s what others say.

The visualisation is the end game. The juice is in the action but the results are in aligned action. Of course there’s a bit of foreplay to get there, but we like that don’t we?

I’m now taking it online as a digital retreat

but with some added spice. Being virtual means you can get comfortable and settle in whether you’re in the Northern Hemisphere wrapped in your favourite woollens fireside, or in the Southern Hemisphere floating around in a sarong.

It’s a delightful and insightful soul divining that synthesises your spirit, mind and heart to create your year consciously from your heart but  also crosses the ‘t’s and dots the ‘i’s to satisfy your logical mind.

It’s almost the polar opposite of how we are taught to do anything.

There’s still planning, effort and actions but it’s less linear, less anxious, less driven. It’s inclusive, rhythmic and serendipitous. Most of all it instinctual, intuitive and affirming. This is how my year turned out last year.

Do it with your partner, friends or toute seul.

The retreat unfolds over a weekend but not the whole weekend so there’s still time for rest and play. It’s Saturday and Sunday 7-8 February 09.00 – 14.00 You can participate live during these hours or do it in your own sweet time (Schedule it for the following week but please no later than the end of Feb or it’ll be December AGAIN 🙂

It welcomes you where you are. Celebrates where you’ve been, acknowledges the smiles, the tears, the challenges and what simply disappeared amidst the rolling waves of the last 12 months.

How did it play out against your imaginings and intentions. Joyfully, predictably, anxiously mysteriously – aligned or disconnected.

So what will you create this year in alignment with your best McKinsey consultant – your soul. Invoke it to guide you where you want to go, with flow. Expansive and held, Clear and flexible, Adventure and comfort.

I promise you’ll discover things you’ve never allowed yourself to know.

Here are the details but for now here’s a guided prosperity meditation. And we all want a prosperous new year. I’ve been doing it each day for more than 40 days now. It works.

It’s the first time online for the retreat So it’s a lean in with me deal so just $90.00. I’m trusting it will be powerful, fun and heart opening I also feel the vulnerability of it being a new adventure for me for you and for this this new year we are becoming familiar with. Sign up here if you’d like to join me. I’d love for you to have your best year yet. This is a good place to start creating it.

Read on here if you want to know how the days will flow

Day 1 – Review, Release, Celebrate and Close 9:00 – 9:20 am –  We open with a live call to connect, collect and tune in. 9:20 – 1:15 pm –  You work on the materials which will be digitally delivered on the day. There’ll be an audio and a pdf workbook to guide you through. There’ll be guided meditations to drop you into the vibrational space for healing and transformation. You’ll review, release and celebrate and close the year that has gone. You’ll get clear on what’s important so you can align your year ahead. You’ll discover and own some things you never knew about you. 1:15 – 2:00 pm – We reconnect on a live call to share stories, insights, queries and new wisdoms. There’ll be a chance for 1:1 coaching with me.

Day 2 – Visualise, Create and Plan 9:00 – 9:20 am –  We open with a live call to connect, collect and tune in. 9:20 – 1:15pm –  You work on the materials which will be digitally delivered on the day. There’ll be an audio and a pdf workbook to guide you through. There’ll be guided meditations to drop you into the vibrational space for healing and transformation. You’ll begin to create your next 12 months. You’ll set your priorities in alignment with your soul. You’ll divine and create your vision. You’ll create a plan, projecting out to come back to the present. By the end of the day you’ll have a step by step action plan that maps your way and a clear place to start. 1:15 – 2:00pm – We reconnect on a live call to share stories, insights, queries and new wisdoms. There’ll be a chance for 1:1 coaching and support from me for anything that comes up during the day. We will close with a guided meditation to seal and ground your visions and intentions for the year.

Practical Details Once you register for the retreat you will be invited to join a private forum where you can set up a profile to introduce yourself to the gathering and share your stories and intentions. All retreat materials (pdfs and audios) will be posted as downloadable links on the private forum. All live calls will take place over the phone on a conference line that offer local dial in numbers in Australia, UK, USA and Canada. If you can’t make it to one (or more) of these live sessions you can download the recordings from the forum. The recordings will be posted as soon as possible after the calls are completed so you can access them there and relisten to them if you’ve missed anything.

Materials you’ll need at home.

  1. Good wifi access.

  2. A comfortable place to sit for the meditations and to complete the workbook.

  3. Coloured markers, a pen and a pencil.

  4. Magazines to cut out and create your vision board if you wish to create one with photos. We will also draw one (no pressure – stick figures and square boxes or words are perfectly good. It’s what I do 🙂

  5. Scissors and glue stick (or vision board)

  6. Blank white A4 or 11×17 blank white paper

  7. A3 or 11×17” board to create vision board (I use a manilla folder as it travels well)At first glance ? It’s about beginning to create the life you deeply desire while living in a way that respects your values and dreams.But when you dive a little deeper? It’s about discovering who you are, where your gifts, education, experiences and skills merge to create your way to be in the world that may create meaningful work for you or meaning in your work and life that connects you with your soul and everything else. At the close of the 2 days you’ll be … — clear about the next steps to move you towards your goals; — be more aware how your rhythms and habits create your future; and — you’ll see how the parts of your world are created in communion Mostly though, you’ll have the experience of meeting all parts of you and connecting the dots of how your unique journey contributes to create the continuous unfolding of your life story, and you’ll get my feedback on how to begin to make it happen. So: get ready to reflect, divine and visualise. Come retreat yourself  and come play Any burning questions email me


And here’s a preview of my new website by the lovely and talented Monika Frzalova

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