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Branding in 3

Eilish Bouchier

Do you do what you say you will?

That’s your brand.

People want you for your dependability and reliability; whether its creativity, cleaning or accountancy.


If you set expectations and fail to meet them.

Your brand does not deliver on your promise. We’re unlikely to return for more.This equals poor perception aka all talk and little action


If you set expectations, meet them but there’s no story worth telling.

Your brand fulfils its promise but unlikely excites or creates loyalty.This equals fmcgs (fast moving consumer goods for the uninitiated) or interchangeable brands,i.e. most commodities such as toothpaste, dishwashing liquid, loo paper, etc


If you set expectations and consistently exceed them.

Your brand is rocking on its promise. It delights and we want to tell our  friends, family or anyone who’ll listen. It’s a good news story. Your brand will create loyalty, interest and shares. Aka great perception e.g. as applicable to an artist, baker, candlestick maker, plumber, Apple or the Ritz.

Which one are you? Which one would you like to be?

The world needs your brand.It is patiently toe tapping while waiting for you to get clear on what it is that you uniquely because truth is there’s never been and never will be another you.We’re all here to edge the world into slightly better shape.How are you doing that today and every day?Your life’s work begins the day you see who you areand see who you could be, should be or want to be.Filling that gap is where your fulfilment lies.It’s also where your prosperity lies.If you want to talk about filling this gap. Call me on +61 409 99 6488.You can also email me but if you’re motivated and serious, you’ll likely want to call because you want to know more right now.If you know anyone who does not ‘really’ know what brand is or if they believe it is their logo, their website or their swirly/diamond/circle shapes on their communication materials, their product, their voice, or their hair, then please share with by hitting one, or ALL of the social buttons below.It could be just what they need to read today.After all, we are all in this together and I’m committed to as many of us as possible knowing who we are so we can truly be our better selves.Thank you for being here. I appreciate your support.x

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