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New Moon in Libra – Open yourself to the invisible world

Eilish Bouchier

As we step across the threshold

from one season to the next we also walk into this new lunar phase:

As the trees shed their leaves Tides turn Seeds are planted Harvests are reaped. Let’s remind ourselves that

‘Everything changes so some things can remain the same.’

There is beauty everywhere. If only we dare to look. It’s time to see beauty that may have been hidden.

Venus is active in this new Moon, as is Aphrodite. Pluto is direct after its time in retrograde since April. So what has been simmering these past months that is now ready to be fully uncovered?

With the Sun in Virgo we got to revisit our systems. Clear some closets. With Libra we get to now show off those changes a little

Be real, be true. Sometimes we upset our equilibrium by presenting what we don’t really feel Insecurities can be projected as arrogance Fear as disrespect Confidence as bossiness Shyness as brashness

Try to show who you are Your light and shadow, Your strength and vulnerability Your power and humility Your playful and serious aspects. Acknowledge you are all of these. We all are. Let each of them have a place.

Meet others half way. Hold your centre. Accept them as they are.

I have spent the last week in magical verdant Ireland, seeing friends whom I have known for a long time. The bonds of friendships beautiful and reaffirming. Despite long periods of no contact or communication It was like picking up in the middle of a conversation Piss taking of course included for free.

I was reminded of some adventures and some misadventures, (Why are they never Mister-adventures? 🙂 Lots of laughter, plenty of stories We have all grown up a little. Moreso we are old enough to know we are always growing up. We have witnessed each other through lots of endings and beginnings And of course there’s plenty more to come.

Libra is ruled by Venus, the God of love of beauty and creative power. Turn your mind to relationship, to growth, to beauty, to creativity.

It’s a great time to project this energy into projects, tranquility and unconditional love. You could even manifest it with ease and grace We all need a little of that right?

As the ever insightful Pat Liles intuits

‘Present your open heart and your intentions to the invisible world, so it may align and serve the divine manifestation that you are.’ The new moon is a time to take the fruits of our labour: What we have learned in the past to plant seeds for the future. Clearer, aligned and more mature intentions. We live we learn. We reflect. We reimagine.

This New Moon is underpinned by the Equinox (equal day and night on September 22) Equinoxes are time to consciously honour endings so we can invite new beginnings. One door must close for another to open.

So do the ritual.

Connect with your spirit through your heart. Ask it what it wishes to release (Equinox) and what it wishes to initiate (New Moon). Feel it with each of your senses. And smile as you beam it into your field. Write your intentions remembering this or something better. Burn them and release them to the white light. Then sit back and watch the lunar cycle unfold.

Commit to small actions to bring your intentions into your material world each day. The Universe loves action to confirm you really want this.

If you’re West Coast US of A The New Moon shows up at 2:15 am Wednesday, at 8:15am if you in continental Europe and if you’re in Australia (East Coast) it’s 4:15 pm. East Coast US of A gets it on Tuesday at 11:15pm.

Here’s the ritual again. Enjoy

I’d love to hear what comes up for you. I’ll share in the next post and you too, please 🙂


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