I’m going for a long walk (30kms) next Sunday August 7 I would love you to join me or if not give me your money (well not me directly) It’s for Room to Read, a charity close to my heart.
I believe education changes everything and more so I believe educating girls changes things even faster. They invest 90% of what they earn in their family
I’m the first generation of my family who went to college and among the first generation in Ireland who had free education.
My father left school at the age of 12, to help support his family. He was a wonderful father and man who was passionate about giving his children opportunities that weren’t available to him. Ireland has a tradition of emigration but they used to leave with no skills and little education to be labourers and servants. We still emigrate but now we arrive as equals, proud of our heritage and who we are. I believe education contributes greatly to this new found confidence, so
I’m passionate about education. I believe opening minds can help open hearts.
I believe education can help us all move beyond family, demographic and societal conditioning to make generous and enlightened choices for ourselves, with awareness of the impact on ourselves, others and the environment.
Realising we are all in this together and there’s more than enough to share.
And where there’s love: all that stuff that creates the nastiness and nuttiness we are witnessing more and more, in the world will disappear.
Because no matter how you talk it up. We are all so much more alike than different.
We all want the same things, joy, acceptance, a secure and loving environment in which we can prosper and grow.
Michelle Obama is on a mission to educate 62 million girls.
I sponsor 4 of them at present so that leaves just 59 million 999,996 more.
So if you can, I’d love you to walk with me or sponsor me here.
Thank you in advance.
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Beautiful image via The Times UK