This meditation is about clearing your mind of negative thoughts so positive thoughts can manifest easily and gracefully.
Man in his essence is with the infinite, unlimited creative power some people call God.* If man goes within himself and consciously experiences his own beauty, he becomes God.
Destiny is nothing but the outer impression of the inner image a man carries of himself. If he knows himself as God, he can rewnite the destiny to his highest potential.
When he looks to the surface life,
he sees only the reflection of the inside.
This kriya alters the destiny
with the technology to rid the inside image
of negative thoughts that are persistant.
Once these thoughts are eliminated, the positive thoughts can manifest without interference.
Sit upright in easy pose. Make a cup with the hands by putting the right hand over the left. The fingers will cross each other. Put this open cup at the level of the heart center.
Eye Focus
The eyes look only into this cup.
Begin the pranayam by inhaling deeply through the nose. Exhale through the puckered mouth. The exhale is as if you spit the air into the palms; but it is a dry, long spitting rriotion of the air. Meditate on the particular thought that you have and which you do not like.
Spit out the thought with the breath. Inhale the thought you don’t like and exhale it in the breath.
This will activate the 1/3, 2/3 area of the brain.
Continue for 11 minutes, then inhale deeply, exhale, and with the eyes closed, begin to concentrate on the spine.
Slowly draw your concentration down the spine all the way to the bottom. Feel the 26th vertebrae. Feel you have a spine. Feel the spine as if you are feeling a stick in your hand. The more you can feel the entire spine to the base, the more the energy flow and relief will occur.
*In Kundalini Yoga God is seen as the Divine Creator. G for generator, O for organiser and D for Destroyer. As I like to say at any point in your life there are things/situations that are beginning, things that are flowing and things that are ending. I am passionate about teaching you to tune into these personal and bigger cycles and to learn how to work with them and your own rhythms so you can step into the flow, the slipstream if you like of your own life. Learning to ebb and flow and love the life you are living.