So, it’s the time of year to say so long to the old & ring in the new. Like all years its had its share of gifts and challenges. For me its feel like its been really introverted. A year of stripping away, recalling and reclaiming parts of myself I had forgotten. My work has evolved to bring me firmly back to my core as I rode the waves of what calls me and what clients ask me for. It’s evolved to become InsideOut Practice for Business and Brand Visioning. It feels embodied and exciting. The constants that have held me on this adventure are my daily practice—ocean swims, bike riding and writing, family and friends, and gorgeous clients who surprise and delight me with their open hearts and sharps minds. Thank you all.
How was your year, all grace and no grit, all fun and games, all joy? I suspect not. This human life is designed to test us. Embrace it all. Ride the waves as they ebb and flow is the only way through with your sanity and sense of humour intact.
I’ve recorded a meditation so you transit with joy and here’s a worksheet EB.BE#0.1-Year
Review so you can get it all out, write it down, see it, feel it and release it.
In 2018 I’ll be running this course again, starting with the New Moon in Capricorn, on January 13. It was a winner so I know if you are ready to get started on bringing your idea into material form you will too.
If you are ready to elevate your business (and life) and want to explore InsideOut Business and Brand visioning, book a 20 minute free consultation here
Until soon
Wishing your the sparkliest New Year
I’m off for a bubble bath under a blanket of stars